I am Professor of Economics at the Department of Political and Social Sciences – Università di Pavia - Italy.
I regularly advise international organizations such as ILO, UNIDO,UNCTAD, IADB, OECD on issues related to economic development.
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The Role of Industrial Policies in Emerging Countries within Renewable Energy Global Value Chains: An Application of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

The Role of Industrial Policies in Emerging Countries within Renewable Energy Global Value Chains:
An Application of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)
In November I visited the University of Brunei Darussalam and given a talk on the application of QCA to investigate industrial policies.
Here you can find the ppt
Digital and Green Transitions:Opportunities and Challenges for Europe and China

Digital and Green Transitions: Opportunities and Challenges for Europe and China
On July 2024 I was invited at the UCL-Zhejiang University International Workshop on Dual Transition of Firms Towards SDGs to present my work with Davide Bonaglia, Mercedes Menéndez & Rasmus Lema, which was also presented in November at the Institute of Asian Studies, University of Brunei Darussalam.
Here you can find the presentation.
Multinationals and their role in green innovation

Multinationals and their role in green innovation
In July 2024 I was invited to give a lecture at the São Paulo Advanced School on Technology & Innovation Strategies and Policies for Economic Development – University of Campinas.
Here you can find the presentation.
Acquisizione o fabbrica nuova? Quello che conta è laqualità delle istituzioni

New article in Lavoce.info with Vito Amendolagine and Riccardo Crescenzi.
Here you can download the article
Chinese infrastructure lending in Africa and participation in global value chains

Chinese infrastructure lending in Africa and participation in global value chains
A new article coauthored with Vito Amendolagine and Andrea Presbitero.
Here you can download the article.
Twin Transition: Digital and Green Transitions

Twin Transition: Digital and Green Transitions
In collaboration with Davide Bonaglia, Rasmus Lema and Mercedes Menéndez I have contributed to the report on Reverse Dependency: Making Europe’s Digital Technological Strengths Indispensable to China.
Here you can download the full report.
The geography of acquisitions and greenfield investments: Firm heterogeneity and regional institutional conditions

The geography of acquisitions and greenfield investments: Firm heterogeneity and regional institutional conditions
A new article with Vito Amendolagine and Riccardo Crescenzi, open access in Journal of Regional Science.
Here you can access the article