Clusters facing competition: the role of external linkages
in Books, Publications Tags: Clusters, Emerging Countries, Global Value Chain, Innovation, Small and Medium Enterprises
Published by Ashgate
Edited with Elisa Giuliani and Meine Pieter van Dijk
The book is a collection of papers on clusters in developing countries. The book explores the external sources of industrial cluster competitiveness and examines how they complement, integrate and substitute local, intra-cluster networks. The novelty of this book is to merge the cluster approach with two other conceptual approaches which have become increasingly popular in cluster and development studies: on the one hand, the Global Value Chains and their role in cluster upgrading processes; on the other, the National Systems of Innovation (NSIs) and their role in supporting the development of clusters in a national territory. The book explores these issues with empirical evidence from different countries in Latin America, Asia and the industrialized world.
«This book provides numerous and timely insights into new strategies for enhancing the competitiveness of firms and local clusters in the global economy. Replete with in-depth case studies across a broad range of industries and countries, this volume is must reading for anyone seeking to identify pragmatic as well as effective responses to the challenges of international competition today.»
Gary Gereffi,
Professor, Duke University, Durham, NC / USA
You can buy the book here
Recovery of a Mexican Cluster: Devaluation Bonanza or Collective Efficiency?
in Journal Articles, Publications Tags: Clusters, Footwear Industry, Mexico
World Development, 27(9): 1571-1585
Mexico, as many other developing countries in Latin America and elsewhere, has been moving in the 1980s toward a liberalized trade regime after a long period of import substitution. This paper analyzes the impact of trade liberalization on the cooperative behavior of shoe ®rms located in a cluster in Guadalajara. The empirical evidence shows that cooperation has increased. It also suggests that cooperation positively influences firms’ performance and together with a favorable market environment contributes to the cluster’s recovery. The study is based on ®eldwork carried out in Guadalajara in 1996. Qualitative information was collected through in-depth interviews and quantified responses came from a questionnaire survey covering a sample of 63 shoe manufacturing enterprises.
Download the pdf, JA World Development 1999-09
The internal heterogeneity in industrial districts in Italy, Brazil and Mexico
in Journal Articles, Publications Tags: Clusters, Industrial development, Industrial districts, Small and Medium Enterprises
Regional Studies, 33(2): 97-108
The paper is written in collaboration with Hubert Schmitz.
Industrial districts have attracted the attention of development economists in the search for new models of industrial development. Many case studies have shown that clustering helps local enterprises to overcome growth constraints and compete in distant markets. However, empirical studies also reveal shortcomings of the industrial district model. This paper shows that, within the districts, there is enormous heterogeneity by size and performance. Even though clustering firms feed on each other, they vary a great deal in the strategies they employ and the growth they achieve. This internal heterogeneity is investigated for three cases: the shoe industries in Italy, Brazil and Mexico.
Efficienza collettiva e cluster di imprese: oltre l’esperienza italiana
in Books, Publications Tags: Clusters, Developing Countries, Industrial development
Published by Il Mulino
Edited with Marco Di Tommaso
This book presents studies of clusters in developing countries, showing how much these organizational model is diffused and how it contributes to industrial development.
Collective effects in Italian and Mexican footwear industrial clusters
in Journal Articles, Publications Tags: Clusters, Footwear Industry, Italy, Mexico
Small Business Economics, 10(3):243-262
The focus of this article is on the analysis of the collective economic effects deriving from the intense set of backward, forward, labor, horizontal and institutional linkages existing within clusters of enterprises. Among the economic effects two main categories are distinguished: external economies, which are the spontaneous by-product of economic activities undertaken within the clusters and cooperation effects, which are the results of explicit and deliberate cooperative behaviors of the economic actors. In the empirical investigation, these economic effects have been analyzed in four clusters of footwear firms in Italy and Mexico. The first result of the empirical investigation is the confirmation of the importance of collective efficiency both in the ‘proper’ Italian districts and in the Mexican clusters. Nevertheless, there are considerable differences concerning the intensity and quality of the collective effects between the realities studied. Those differences are explained through the impact of the disparities in the outside environment on the core characteristics of the different clusters. Finally, some considerations about the need for moving from a static to a dynamic approach to explain differences between stages of development and growth trajectory patterns of the districts are put forward.
Enterprise clusters and networks as sources of cooperation and technology diffusion for small firms in developing countries
in Books, Publications Tags: Clusters, Developing Countries, Industrial development, Small and Medium Enterprises
Published by Frank Cass
Edited with Meine Pieter van Dijk
This is a collection of articles on industrial districts in developing countries. It analyses the functions and advantages of clusters and networks for small enterprises in developing countries. In the opening chapter the editors describe different types of clusters and networks and compare the diverse forms of external economies and co-operation effects derived from them. Taking a multidiscplinary approach, they point out it is trust that is the social basis for positive effects of clustering and networking, which are often sources of co-operation and technology diffusion for small enterprises in developing countries.
Read the book here
Is there an industrial district “model”? Footwear districts in Italy and Mexico
in Journal Articles, Publications Tags: Clusters, Footwear Industry, Industrial districts, Italy, Mexico
World Development, 23 (1) 29-41
In this paper we present the results of empirical research carried out in two footwear clusters located in Italy, the “land of industrial districts,” and two clusters of footwear enterprises in Mexico. The aim of the study is to present a comparison between the ideal-typical industrial district, as it is defined in the literature, and the case studies in Mexico and Italy. Material from a survey of clusters of firms in Italy and Mexico reveals how clusters in both countries differ in some aspects from the “textbook” model. Similarities and differences are- investigated in some detail, and attention is given to the intensity and quality of backward and forward linkages, the existence of an “industrial atmosphere” and the nature and extent of institutional support.