I’m an economist. My areas of expertise are economics of innovation; economic development and regional economics.
I am Professor of Economics at the Department of Political and Social Sciences – Università di Pavia - Italy.
I regularly advise international organizations such as ILO, UNIDO,UNCTAD, IADB, OECD on issues related to economic development.
Working Papers
Twin Transition: Digital and Green Transitions
Mainstreaming the cluster approach in the Caribbean region
Green windows of opportunity in the global south
The Green and Digital Transition in Manufacturing Global Value Chains in Latecomer Countries
The social role of small enterprises in Senegal: the case of the PASPED Program
The geography of acquisitions and greenfield investments: firm heterogeneity and regional institutional conditions
Uganda STI Policy Review
FDI, Global Value Chains, and Local Sourcing in Developing Countries
Clusters in the Caribbean: Understanding their Characteristics, Defining Policies for their Development
Local innovation and global value chains in developing countries
The Location Strategies of Multinationals from Emerging Countries in the EU Regions
Chinese and Indian Multinationals: A Firm-Level Analysis of their Investments in Europe
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