I’m an economist. My areas of expertise are economics of innovation; economic development and regional economics.
I am Professor of Economics at the Department of Political and Social Sciences – Università di Pavia - Italy.
I regularly advise international organizations such as ILO, UNIDO,UNCTAD, IADB, OECD on issues related to economic development.
Working Papers
The impact of outward FDI on the performance of Chinese multinationals
Is Co-Invention Expediting Technological Catch Up? A Study of Collaboration between Emerging Country Firms and EU inventors
Is access to credit a constraint for Latin America enterprises? An empirical analysis with firm-level data
Chinese and Indian M&As in Europe: The relationship between motive and ownership choice
An analysis of Chinese outward FDIs in Europe with firm-level data
Proximity and scientific collaboration: Evidence for the global wine industry
Gradual catch up and enduring leadership in the global wine industry
Definitions matter. Measuring gender gaps in firms’ access to credit
Technology-Driven FDI: A Survey of the Literature
Análisis de la cadena de valor de la industria eólica vasca: oportunidades y ámbitos de mejora
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