Global Value Chain

The Green and Digital Transition in Manufacturing Global Value Chains in Latecomer Countries

The Green and Digital Transition in Manufacturing Global Value Chains in Latecomer Countries

The Green and Digital Transition in Manufacturing Global Value Chains in Latecomer Countries

Background paper for the 2023 UNCTAD Technology and Innovation Report with Rasmus Lema is available for download here and here as UNU-MERIT Working Paper.

Using frontier technologies for greening global value chains 

Using frontier technologies for greening global value chains 

Using frontier technologies for greening global value chains 

In October 2022 I participated at the UNCTAD Commission on Science and Technology for Development, 2022-2023 Inter-sessional Panel in Geneva. I presented this research also at the INNOVA Workshop organized by the JRC in Ispra in April 2023 and the CatChain Workshop at UNU Merit in June 2023 in Maastricht.

Here you can download the presentation

Making sense of global value chain-oriented policies: The Trifecta of Tasks, Linkages and Firms

Making sense of global value chain-oriented policies: The Trifecta of Tasks, Linkages and Firms

Making sense of global value chain-oriented policies: The Trifecta of Tasks, Linkages and Firms

On the 2nd of December 2021 I gave a keynote speech at the Workshop OEET: “Emerging Economies in Global Value Chains: impacts and policy issues”, Collegio Carlo Alberto in Turin. I also presented this article at SASE 2021 and Globelics 2021 in Costa Rica.

Here are the slides and here is the video

Innovation in Global IT Value Chains  and the Impact of the Digital Transformation: Implications for ASEAN & India

Innovation in Global IT Value Chains  and the Impact of the Digital Transformation: Implications for ASEAN & India

Innovation in Global IT Value Chains  and the Impact of the Digital Transformation: Implications for ASEAN & India

On October the 5th 2021 I gave a keynote speech at the Korea-Asean & India Business Week on Innovation in Global IT Value Chains and the Impact of the Digital Transformation: Implications for ASEAN & India.

Here is the ppt