
Chinese and Indian MNEs’ shopping spree in advanced countries. How good it is for their innovative output?

Chinese and Indian MNEs’ shopping spree in advanced countries.  How good it is for their innovative output?

Chinese and Indian MNEs’ shopping spree in advanced countries. How good it is for their innovative output?

Chinese and Indian multinationals are continuously expanding their operations in Europe and the USA through cross-border acquisitions (CBAs), with the aim of tapping into international knowledge located in target firms and innovative hubs. In this article published in the Journal of Economic Geography with Amendolagine, Giuliani and Martinelli, we look into the innovative impacts that CBAs have on the acquiring multinational enterprises.

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Do Global Value Chains Offer Developing Countries Learning and Innovation Opportunities?

Do Global Value Chains Offer Developing Countries Learning and Innovation Opportunities?

Do Global Value Chains Offer Developing Countries Learning and Innovation Opportunities?

With Valentina De Marchi and Elisa Giuliani I published an article in the European Journal of Development Research. The paper offers s a systematic review of the literature on developing country GVCs to investigate the learning channels used by local firms, both within (firm level, collective level) and outside of these value chains (i.e. external sources of learning), and the extent to which this activity promotes innovation.

Here there is a free to view link to the article

Global Value Chains Meet Innovation Systems: Are There Learning Opportunities for Developing Countries?

Global Value Chains Meet Innovation Systems: Are There Learning Opportunities for Developing Countries?

Top Cited in World Development 9(7): 1261-1269

The article is written with Carlo Pietrobelli.

The Innovation Systems (IS) literature tends not to emphasize the crucial impact of international knowledge and innovation exchange and collaboration through, for example, inter-firm and intra-firm networks and Global Value Chains (GVC). In developing countries this aspect is crucial, with integration in GVC playing a growing and very important role in accessing knowledge and enhancing learning and innovation.


Is Co-Invention Expediting Technological Catch Up? A Study of Collaboration between Emerging Country Firms and EU Inventors

Is Co-Invention Expediting Technological Catch Up? A Study of Collaboration between Emerging Country Firms and EU Inventors

World Development 77, 16: 192-205

The article is co-authored with Elisa Giuliani and Arianna Martinelli

Growing internationalization constitutes an opportunity for technological catch up. In this paper we analyze Brazilian, Indian, and Chinese cross-border inventions with EU-27 inventors. Our results suggest that these inventions represent an opportunity for emerging country firms to accumulate technological capabilities, access frontier knowledge, and appropriate the property rights of co-inventions.
